Identity Theft: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself 

The goal of the scam is to trick you into entering your personal information, such as your Social Security number or credit card number. 

Identity Theft: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself 

Identity theft is a crime in which someone steals your personal information and uses it to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity theft is a serious crime that occurs when someone steals your personal information and uses it to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity thieves can use your information to open new accounts, make unauthorised purchases, file fraudulent tax returns, and even take out loans in your name. 

The most common way that identity thieves get your personal information is through phishing scams. Phishing scams are emails or websites that are designed to look like they are from a legitimate company, such as your bank or credit card company. The goal of the scam is to trick you into entering your personal information, such as your Social Security number or credit card number.