FIH Hockey World Cup: Bhubaneswar gets makeover, statues of eminent personalities forgotten

Resentment is brewing among residents as the statues of eminent personalities at important streets seem to have been forgotten amid the race for giving a new facelift to Bhubaneswar.

Statues reeling under neglect

Prominent junctions and public places in different parts of Bhubaneswar now wear a bridal look for the ongoing FIH Men’s Hockey World Cup. The administrative officials have left no stone unturned to infuse new life into the Capital city which seems to be bustling with activities day in and day out.

From inspiring wall paintings to electrification and beautification of trees, one cannot simply ignore the fact that the capital city of Bhubaneswar is now the most happening place in the state along with Rourkela which is also hosting the hockey matches.