Deep fake scare: Commissionerate Police trains special team to curb menace during General Elections

Speaking to the reporters, Bhubaneswar DCP Prateek Singh said, “We have conducted a workshop for police officers. We have invited experts from a famous fact-checking website to train our officers. Those experts are quite experienced and they can identify a fake video in a very short period of time.”

Bhubaneswar DCP Parteek Singh

Amid growing concern over the spread of deep fake videos all over the globe, the Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Commissionerate police has trained a special team of police officers to curb the menace during the upcoming General Elections.

Speaking to the reporters, Bhubaneswar DCP Prateek Singh said, “We have conducted a workshop for police officers. We have invited experts from a famous fact-checking website to train our officers. Those experts are quite experienced and they can identify a fake video in a very short period of time.”