After groceries, onions bring tears to common man as price shoots up to Rs 40/kg in Odisha

Onion prices in Odisha have surged from Rs 30 to Rs 40 per kg, exacerbating the financial strain on lower middle-income and economically weaker families. This rise is attributed to a supply shortage caused by heat damage, with expectations of stabilization post-rainfall.

Rise in prices of onion

As if the price rise of rice, dal, wheat, flour, edible oil and other essential commodities wasn’t enough, the price rise of onion from Rs 30 to Rs 40/kg has returned to haunt the common man. While onion was available for Rs 30/kg, the price has risen by Rs 10 to Rs 40/kg in just one week, adding to the woes of the already affected consumers.

It was learnt that the bulb is also sold for more than Rs 40 in a couple of places. The spiralling prices have burdened the lives of lower middle-income groups and economically weaker families who are already reeling under the price rise of vegetables, fuel and grocery items.