Good Samaritans To Be Awarded Rs 5k For Rushing Road Accident Victims To Hospital

To motivate the general public to help the road accident victims in an emergency situation, MoRTH said " the amount of award for each Good Samaritan would be Rs. 5,000 per incident."

Good Samaritans To Be Awarded Rs 5k For Rushing Road Accident Victims To Hospital

News Summary

Besides awards in each case, the ministry said there will be 10 national-level awards for the most worthy Good Samaritans (to be selected from all those who have been awarded during the whole year) and they would be given an award of Rs 1,00,000 each.

The road ministry on Monday said it has launched a scheme for 'Good Samaritans' under which a cash award of Rs 5,000 will be given to those who save the life of a road accident victim by rushing him/her to the hospital within the 'golden hour' of the mishap.

In a letter to principal and transport secretaries of all states and union territories, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) said the scheme would be effective from October 15, 2021 till March 31, 2026.