Cheetahs could spur revival of India's languishing grasslands: Experts

Kaushik Sarkar, a biologist from Bengaluru, stood for a panoramic view on an elevated observation post (machan). This rich biodiversity on the banks of river Sharda is home to various thriving and dwindling species of flora and fauna.

Cheetahs could spur revival of India's languishing grasslands: Experts

Random clumps of wild paddy, sugarcane and several other types of tall wild grass extend to the marsh where a rangale of about fifty to sixty swamp deer sat in peaceful oblivion in the vast expanse of the alluvial grassland in the Terai region in northern Uttar Pradesh.

Kaushik Sarkar, a biologist from Bengaluru, stood for a panoramic view on an elevated observation post (machan). This rich biodiversity on the banks of river Sharda is home to various thriving and dwindling species of flora and fauna.