Which works better for your knees - walking or a treadmill

Working out isn't only about marathons and fashionable boutique courses. Walking may be an inexpensive and convenient method to keep active, and it has been found to assist in weight reduction, increase flexibility, and enhance mood. Knee injuries frequently need extended healing times. Choose activities that will not put a strain on your knee while it heals. Walking and using a treadmill can both be hard on the knees, but with a little care, you can do both safely.

Which works better for your knees - walking or a treadmill

Choosing a running surface, whether concrete, dirt, sand, or a treadmill, is typically a question of personal taste, and different options provide a number of advantages and disadvantages for running safety.

Treadmill jogging is popular not only because it allows you to run in a controlled environment without having to worry about traffic or bad weather, but also because when done correctly, it may be an excellent way to run with minimal impact and keep your knees protected. Running on hard surfaces, such as concrete, is risky since the road does not absorb the impact of your step. Treadmills are sometimes equipped with cushioning beneath the moving belt to lessen the blow on the feet and assist prevent knee damage.