4 Unmistakable Signs You're Dating A Narcissist

You might be wondering whether a narcissist can be a decent companion. Unfortunately, "no" is virtually always the response. Because they are self-serving and feel no remorse when they damage their relationship, narcissism is a difficult tendency to change, and this trait makes them difficult to be around.

4 Unmistakable Signs You're Dating A Narcissist

A narcissist is someone who despises modesty and celebrates vanity. Everything is an inflated and unrealistic mirror of self in narcissism. Every narcissist sees themselves as Godlike, and their deep-seated anxieties and insecurities are obscured by the false notion that they are unique.

The two foundations of narcissism are malignant self-obsession and self-centeredness, in which a person is unconcerned about the wishes, needs, or interests of others. This type of behaviour is associated with personality problems, according to psychologists. The name was derived from the Greek mythology narrative of Narcissus, a child who fell in love with his own reflection, which dates back to at least 8 A.D. This tale was offered by Sigmund Freud as a representation of a self-absorbed person.