Is the China story similar to the 1980s Japanese bubble?

When China sneezes, the world catches a cold. It follows that a long-lasting serious illness within China’s economy has the potential to derail the entire post-crisis global economic recovery. Fears of a real estate bubble burst, coupled with collapsing stock prices from seven year highs have led many to question whether China stands at the […]


When China sneezes, the world catches a cold. It follows that a long-lasting serious illness within China's economy has the potential to derail the entire post-crisis global economic recovery.

Fears of a real estate bubble burst, coupled with collapsing stock prices from seven year highs have led many to question whether China stands at the same juncture as its economic superpower neighbour, Japan, did in the late 1980s. There certainly seem to be many economic variables which would strengthen the above case: high and less efficient investment, current account surpluses, deteriorating demographic trends, deflation and parabolic increases in asset prices of housing and equities.