Saudi Arabia registers 1,301 pilgrim deaths during Haj, 83 per cent unregistered individuals

Saudi Arabia reported 1,301 pilgrim deaths during the Hajj season, with 83% being unregistered individuals. Heat stress was a significant issue, particularly for those without proper shelter. The health system managed over 465,000 treatments and declared the season a success with no disease outbreaks.

Over 1,300 faithful died during Hajj pilgrimage due to intense heat in Saudi Arabia: Report

Saudi Arabia has announced that it recorded 1,301 deaths among pilgrims during the Haj season, 83 per cent of whom were unregistered individuals. 

The Saudi Health Minister Fahd Al-Jalajel said on Sunday that the kingdom's healthcare sector addressed "numerous" heat stress cases, with some individuals still in medical care, the Saudi Press Agency reported.