Urgently address gaps in leprosy services, accelerate efforts towards zero infection: WHO

Dr Singh called for persons affected by leprosy be engaged, empowered and involved in all aspects of decision-making, including in service design and delivery, and in social and economic activities.

Urgently address gaps in leprosy services, accelerate efforts towards zero infection: WHO

The World Health Organisation on Sunday called on countries in the South-East Asia Region and globally to urgently address gaps in leprosy services, disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic and to accelerate efforts towards zero leprosy infection and disease, zero leprosy disability, and zero leprosy stigma and discrimination, which is the vision of the WHO Global Leprosy Strategy 2021-2030.

The World Leprosy Day (WLD) is observed on the last Sunday of January, as an opportunity to celebrate people who have experienced leprosy, raise awareness of the disease, and call for an end to leprosy-related stigma and discrimination. The theme of World Leprosy Day 2023 is 'Act Now. End Leprosy'.