Rising temperature linked to serious vision impairment among elderly

The relationship between average temperature and severe vision impairment was strong regardless of age, sex, income, and education of participants.

Rising temperature linked to serious vision impairment among elderly

People aged 65 years and above who live in warmer regions are more likely to have serious vision impairment than their peers living in cooler regions, warned a study on 1.7 million old people living in different American counties.

Compared to those who lived in areas with average temperature of less than 10 degrees Celsius, the odds of severe vision impairment were 14 per cent higher for those who lived in areas with average temperature from 10-12 degrees Celsius, 24 per cent higher for those between 12 and 15.55 degrees Celsius and 44 per cent higher for those in counties with average temperature at 15.5 degrees Celsius or above.