Rise in hypertension among young Indian children 'alarming': AIIMS

Health experts at AIIMS have raised concerns about the alarming rates of hypertension among children aged 10-19, with up to 20% affected. During Hypertension Awareness Month, the focus is on early detection, lifestyle modifications, and the critical role schools play in health education.

Rise in hypertension among young Indian children 'alarming': AIIMS

 While age is a known risk factor for high blood pressure, the early onset of hypertension among young children -- up to 20 per cent -- is "alarming", said health experts here at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on Friday.  

As May is marked as the hypertension awareness month, experts from the apex institute briefed the media about the rising cases of hypertension in the country, the reasons behind and how to mitigate it.