Pregnancy after 35: Things to watch out for now

Pregnancy after 35 needs to be watched out for carefully. Apart from taking prescribed medications, it is also important to watch out for diet.

Pregnancy after 35

News Summary

There are certain things that you need to watch out for if you are a 35 plus pregnant lady.

Following a healthy diet is the first thing that is essential for having a risk-free pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a natural process and a woman can become pregnant as long as she continues to menstruate. However, as she continues to age, the capacity of a woman to conceive and carry a child starts decreasing. Even though a woman can menstruate until her late forties and early fifties, the chances of her getting pregnant after her late thirties become less. Moreover, even if she does get pregnant, there are many risk factors involved.

However, with women nowadays, focussing more on their careers and planning family much later in their lives, conceiving a child during their late thirties is slowly becoming more common. But there are certain things that you need to watch out for if you are a 35-plus pregnant lady.