Nipah monoclonal antibody to undergo human trials in India, Bangladesh in 2025

A novel monoclonal antibody against the deadly Nipah virus is set to undergo human clinical trials in India and Bangladesh in 2025. Developed by Mapp Biopharmaceutical with significant funding from CEPI, the antibody MBP1F5 aims to offer immediate protection and prevent infection.


A novel monoclonal antibody against the Nipah virus is set to undergo human clinical trials in India, and Bangladesh -- two countries that suffer Nipah outbreaks almost every year -- in 2025, according to a report on Thursday.  

Nipah virus, a zoonotic disease of the Paramyxovirus family, kills up to 75 per cent of the people it infects. The lethal disease also has a high transmission rate. To date, there are no approved treatments or vaccines against it.