This is why devotees throng Alarnath temple after Deva Snana Purnima

After the lavish bath on Snana Purnima, the deities are believed to develop a fever. Then they are taken in Anasara Pahandi to a sick room called ‘Anasara Ghara’.

Alarnath Temple

With the completion of Deva Snana Purnima, the 15-day-long ‘Anasara’ or quarantine period of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra begins. During this period, the deities are down with fever and remain out of bounds for darshan. 

But Lord Jagannath doesn’t disappoint His devotees. It is believed that Lord Jagannath manifests as Lord Alarnath and the darshan of Lord Alarnath brings the same blessings and fortune as those after the darshan of Lord Jagannath.