Snana Yatra: Know story behind Lord Jagannath’s ‘Hati Besha’

According to a belief, the deities are dressed as Lord Ganesha to satisfy the followers of the Ganapatya sect.

Hati Besha of Holy Trinity

Of the 12 main festivals observed in Srimandir all throughout the year, ‘Snana Yatra’ or the ‘Deva Snana Purnima’ is one of them.

This festival is observed on the full moon day of the month of Jyestha. The importance of this festival lies in two facts. First, it is believed to be the birthday of Lord Jagannath. Second, this is the first occasion when the Holy Trinity is taken out of the sanctum sanctorum. The deities are taken out in a traditional procession called ‘Dhadi Pahandi’ from the sanctum sanctorum to the Snana bedi or the bathing altar, located in the northeast corner of the Bahara Bedha.