International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023: Aiming for sustainable development

WHO celebrates December 3 every year as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities to make people aware of how their caring attitude can increase the life quality and span of disabled people.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023,

News Summary

According to WHO 1.3 billion plus or 16% of global population have some sort of significant disability.

It affects their capacity to live a healthy and quality life.

Disabilities can be a major hindrance in achieving personal goals and fulfilling dreams. Although more and more organisations now have vacancies, especially for disabled people, even then life is never easy as such people struggle to compete with the normal, healthy people around them. It is not possible to overcome certain disabilities and a person has to deal with them all through life.

Nevertheless, it is always possible to make people in society more aware of the difficulties and health issues that disabled people can face by dedicating a particular day to them.