Niti Energy Index: Discoms Short-Circuit Odisha’s Performance In This Power Index

Odisha has been a pioneer State in power reforms. But Gujarat, a late beginner, piped the State to grab a high rank in discom health

Niti Energy and Climate Index

News Summary

It is the below-par performance of the power distribution companies (Discoms) in the State that has short-circuited the State's strides in the Energy Index. Because the Niti index puts a premium on the performance of Discoms as it assigns a weightage of 40 marks to this parameter.

A big paradox. Odisha was the first state in the country to have initiated power reforms way back in 1996. Gujarat went about power reforms much later – in 2002. However, when Odisha is languishing at 22nd rank in the Niti Aayog's State Energy and Climate Index (SECI) released Monday, Gujarat sits at the top.

It is the below-par performance of the power distribution companies (Discoms) in the State that has short-circuited the State's strides in the Energy Index. Because the Niti index puts a premium on the performance of Discoms as it assigns a weightage of 40 marks to this parameter.