Who is Drona Putra, the mightiest Ashwatthama, believed to be immortal till now?

He was cursed by Lord Krishna that he would roam in the forests until the end of Kali Yuga with blood and pus oozing out of his injuries and cry for death, but death would not meet him.

Drona Putra, the mightiest Ashwatthama

Drona Putra, the mightiest Ashwatthama has been making headlines ever since a film with Shahid Kapoor in the titular role was announced based on the key character of Mahabharata. The cinematic adaption on Ashwatthama has further raised curiosity among people regarding the immortal being who fought on the side of the Kauravas against the Pandavas in the Kurukshetra war. 

Let us know more about the mysterious warrior and how he gained immortality from Lord Krishna and if he is still alive.