‘We kept kissing’: Kate Winslet recalls iconic ‘I’m flying Jack’ kissing scene in Titanic

Kate Winslet shared intriguing details about filming the iconic 'I'm flying Jack' kissing scene in 'Titanic' with Leonardo DiCaprio. Despite challenges with makeup and lighting, the scene required multiple takes. The film, directed by James Cameron, is celebrated globally and has won 11 Oscars.

Kate Winslet recalls iconic ‘I’m flying Jack’ kissing scene in Titanic

Is there anyone who does not love the 1997-blockbuster movie ‘Titanic’ starring Kate Winslet as Rose and Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack? Well, the answer is definitely a big ‘NO’. The Oscar-winning movie is one of the very few movies loved by one and all.

Recently, veteran actress Kate Winslet revealed an interesting anecdote about a particular kissing scene in the movie and fans cannot help but rewatch the iconic scene. The stunning diva recalled the iconic ‘I’m flying Jack’, scene with Leonardo and revealed how they kept doing the kiss scene.