Did you know these interesting facts about the ‘Queen of Pop’ Usha Uthup, who turns 75 today

Today, the 8th of November, Usha Uthup rings in her 75th birthday. Not only has the singer with the booming, unique voice sung some very hummable numbers over the years, she has stayed in the limelight for her effervescent and inimitable style. She has redefined Indian music for generations to come.

Did you know these interesting facts about the ‘Queen of Pop’ Usha Uthup, who turns 75 today

Having grown up in a Tamil Brahmin family, Usha Uthup began her career by singing in hotels and nightclubs. But as she grew in stature and her reputation preceded her, Usha Uthup ended up working with some of the country's top composers. 

In addition to her music, the queen of pop, is also known for her sartorial choices in dressing. Her usual look is a silk saree, chunky gold jewellery, and the inevitable gajra in her hair. But there is so much more to Usha Uthup than her Kanjivarams and jewellery. Read on…