5 Mind blowing Hollywood movies on OTT that will shock and grip you

Mind-blowing Hollywood movies that have set new milestones in the western film industry can now be enjoyed on OTT platforms. Here are the top 5 flicks that will grip and shock you!

Inception, Enemy, Shutter

News Summary

Hollywood movies like Inception and Shutter have set new milestones.

Here are such 5 mind-blowing movies that leave a hangover for days together.

Hollywood has been quite generous when it comes to offering movies on a vast range of topics relevant to today’s times and epic stories from the past. While some are entertaining and leave you smiling, many flicks grip and shock you, and by the time the film ends you are left with a hangover of the subject. Here are 5 such mind-blowing Hollywood movies that literally will blow your mind now available on leading OTT platforms.

Inception on Netflix/Prime Video