Three friends, IPS Saad Miya Khan, IAS Vishal Mishra, IAS Gaurav Vijayram Kumar, cleared UPSC together in 2017

Saad Miya Khan, Vishal Mishra, and Gaurav Vijayram Kumar exemplify true friendship by overcoming numerous challenges to succeed in the UPSC exams together in 2017. Coming from diverse backgrounds, they united in their educational pursuits and administrative ambitions.

Three friends IAS Gaurav Vijayram Kumar, IPS Saad Miya Khan, and IAS Vishal Mishra

What is the real definition of true friendship? Well, there are a lot of definitions about true friendship, but apart from anything, true friendship is battling all odds together and getting success together.

Yes, and these three friends have proved it rightly so. All three of them struggled together, battled all odds together and got success together. We are talking about three best friends, IPS Saad Miya Khan, IAS Vishal Mishra, and IAS Gaurav Vijayram Kumar.