Meet IAS Nandini KR who secured AIR-1 in UPSC even after battling dengue

Being the daughter of a teacher, she was a brilliant student. She is a civil engineering graduate from MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology in Bangalore.

Meet IAS Nandini KR who secured AIR-1 in UPSC even after battling dengue

The Civil Services Exam (CSE) conducted by the UPSC is one of the toughest exams in India. Millions of aspirants nurture their dreams, but only a handful fulfill them by becoming an IAS, IPS, IRS, or IFS officer.

It takes years of hard work, consistency, and determination to fulfill our dream. A glaring example is IAS Nandini KR, the topper of UPSC 2016. The brilliant mind had to overcome many obstacles including a battle with dengue to secure All India Rank (AIR)-1. Nandini’s story is nothing less than an incredible tale of perseverance and success.