Meet Arunachal Pradesh’s first female IPS officer Tenzing Yangki, an epitome of inspiration for women

Tenzing’s journey highlights the potential and talent of women, further motivating others to follow their dreams and contribute to the nation’s growth and development.

Meet Arunachal Pradesh’s first female IPS officer Tenzing Yangki, an epitome of inspiration for women

Becoming an IPS officer is the dream of thousands of aspirants. However, only a few can fulfill their dreams every year. Here’s one such story of IPS Tenzing Yangki, who went on to become the first female IPS officer of Arunachal Pradesh.

Her sheer dedication to achieving the prestigious position is an inspiration to millions of UPSC aspirants, especially women candidates. Daughter of an IRS and IAS officer, Tenzing always had all the luxury of her life. However, her father’s money, luxury, and easy life could not tempt her from working hard to achieve her dreams.