Beedi roller’s daughter clears UPSC CSE 2023 by studying in public library

S Inba, a beedi worker's daughter, overcame financial hardships to clear the UPSC Civil Services Exam with the aid of a public library and governmental support. Her journey highlights the impact of determination and supportive interventions on educational success.

S Inba with her mother S Stella

In an inspiring tale of triumph over adversity, the daughter of a single mother, a beedi worker, has cleared the prestigious Civil Services Examination (CSE) the results of which were announced by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) recently.

S Inba, the daughter of a beedi worker, is the perfect example for aspirants who complain about financial constraints and lack of resources. She has rightfully proved that ‘if there is a will, there is a way’. She has secured an impressive AIR-851 in the all-India exam.