Plasma Treatment Has No Benefit On COVID Patients: Study

Covid-19 convalescent plasma, also known as "survivor's plasma", is blood plasma derived from patients who have recovered from Covid-19.

Plasma Treatment Has No Benefit On COVID Patients: Study

News Summary

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorisation to allow use of convalescent plasma in hospitalised patients with Covid-19.

The randomised, controlled clinical trial involved 500 adult outpatients who presented to 48 emergency departments with mild Covid-19 symptoms during their first week post-infection in the US.

Early administration of convalescent plasma does not prevent disease progression in a high-risk group of Covid-19 patients, says a study led by US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The trial, launched in August 2020, was stopped in February 2021 due to lack of efficacy based on a planned interim analysis. The final study has been published online in The New England Journal of Medicine.