Anti-KNPP protesters lay siege to Tuticorin port

Tuticorin (TN): Scaling up their protest against loading of fuel at the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, anti-nuclear activists and fishermen today tried to lay siege to the port here but work was not disrupted, officials said. About 3,000 fishermen and anti-nuclear activists in 500 mechanised and country boats tried to block the approach channel where […]

Tuticorin (TN): Scaling up their protest against loading of fuel at the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, anti-nuclear activists and fishermen today tried to lay siege to the port here but work was not disrupted, officials said.

About 3,000 fishermen and anti-nuclear activists in 500 mechanised and country boats tried to block the approach channel where ships enter the port but were prevented by Coast Guard and CISF personnel, CISF and port authorities said.