Oral immunotherapy for patients with egg allergy

New York: Oral immunotherapy may be a promising treatment for people suffering from egg allergy, according to a clinical trial. After completing up to four years of egg oral immunotherapy treatment (eOIT), some people were able to safely incorporate egg into their diet, it showed. “Egg allergy is one of the most common food allergies […]

egg allergy

New York: Oral immunotherapy may be a promising treatment for people suffering from egg allergy, according to a clinical trial. After completing up to four years of egg oral immunotherapy treatment (eOIT), some people were able to safely incorporate egg into their diet, it showed.

"Egg allergy is one of the most common food allergies and usually appears in early childhood. It has significant risk for severe allergic reactions and negatively affects quality of life for children with the allergy," said Edwin Kim, Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina.