Don’t ignore these 5 Signs on skin, they indicate high blood sugar

High blood sugar or hyperglycemia is the result of the body not using insulin properly or producing too little insulin. Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most prevalent of non infectious diseases in the modern world. The lack of exercise, intake of refined, processed food and high stress levels have a synergistic impact on our health.They are responsible for a number of lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes and some autoimmune diseases. Our hectic lifestyle leaves little time to exercise and cook nutritious food at home, which can lead to high blood sugar or diabetes, a life-long condition associated with multiple complications and decreased quality of life. It requires constant management with hypoglycemic drugs and insulin. The life-threatening complications include sepsis, kidney failure, heart disease, nerve damage, and oral health deterioration.

Don’t ignore these 5 Signs on skin, they indicate high blood sugar

Here are five skin symptoms that might be a sign that you have high blood sugar–

Dark Skin