After Odisha’s Jaga-Kalia, Bangladeshi Twins Separated In Rare Skull Surgery

Dhaka: After Odisha Kandhamal conjoined twins Jaga and Kalia’s famous cranial separation surgery at New Delhi AIIMS made headlines in 2017, now conjoined Bangladeshi twins have been separated after a team of Hungarian surgeons performed a marathon 30-hour operation to separate their skulls and brains in Dhaka. The twins, named Rabeya and Rukaya, turned three […]


Dhaka: After Odisha Kandhamal conjoined twins Jaga and Kalia’s famous cranial separation surgery at New Delhi AIIMS made headlines in 2017, now conjoined Bangladeshi twins have been separated after a team of Hungarian surgeons performed a marathon 30-hour operation to separate their skulls and brains in Dhaka.

The twins, named Rabeya and Rukaya, turned three last month and suffered from a rare embryological disorder affecting an estimated one in every five to six million births.