Big B crosses 17 mn Twitter followers, even thanks 'abusers'

Mumbai: Indian cine icon Amitabh Bachchan, a widely followed personality on social media, now has as many as 17 million followers on Twitter. He has thanked those who compliment him, as well as those who abuse. “17 MILLION!!! FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you all Ef and non Ef and to be Ef…thank you all that compliment me, […]


Mumbai: Indian cine icon Amitabh Bachchan, a widely followed personality on social media, now has as many as 17 million followers on Twitter. He has thanked those who compliment him, as well as those who abuse.

"17 MILLION!!! FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you all Ef and non Ef and to be Ef...thank you all that compliment me, and those that abuse too," the 72-year-old, who refers to his social media followers as "Ef -- Extended family", posted on Twitter late Sunday night.