Atalji would sometimes address me as Kalicharan: Shatrughan Sinha

Mumbai: “What can I say about Atalji that I havent said before? Atalji and Advaniji are my Gurus my mentors in politics. They are both father figures in my life. I was sent by them to be trained by Nanajee Deshamukh, then to Madan Lal Khurana and Kailashpati Mishra. All through my training initiation and […]


Mumbai: "What can I say about Atalji that I havent said before? Atalji and Advaniji are my Gurus my mentors in politics. They are both father figures in my life. I was sent by them to be trained by Nanajee Deshamukh, then to Madan Lal Khurana and Kailashpati Mishra. All through my training initiation and acclimatisation into politics, Atalji encouraged and supported me.

"He was a man of vision. Whether it was the nuclear explosions in Pokhran or the bus service from India to Lahore, Atalji was a visionary first and a politician later. I was in that historic first bus ride to Lahore sitting right behind him.