COVID-19 Cure Breakthrough? Dexamethasone 'Lowers' Death Risk Among Severe Patients

London: Low doses of the steroid dexamethasone can reduce deaths by one-third in severely affected COVID-19 patients, according to researchers who assessed the performance of the inexpensive drug in more than 2,100 people. The analysis is part of the RECOVERY (Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY) trial which was established to test a range of potential […]


London: Low doses of the steroid dexamethasone can reduce deaths by one-third in severely affected COVID-19 patients, according to researchers who assessed the performance of the inexpensive drug in more than 2,100 people.

The analysis is part of the RECOVERY (Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY) trial which was established to test a range of potential therapies for COVID-19, including low-dose dexamethasone -- a steroid treatment.