Virgo Weekly Horoscope for Dec 25 to 31: Communicate about your needs and aspirations.

Kickstart the week by focusing on practical aspects of your life, such as budgeting and long-term financial goals. Use this time to assess your resources and prioritise stability. Communicate about your needs and aspirations.

Your assertiveness is an asset in negotiations, so don't shy away from asserting your worth.The middle of the week is an excellent time for networking and making personal and professional connections.

Short trips or spontaneous outings can bring unexpected pleasures.

The weekend encourages a blend of practicality and communication. Use this time to consolidate your financial plans and engage in heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones.



  • Remedy :Assert your worth
  • Auspicious Day :Sunday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Auspicious color :Blue, Green
  • Lucky Numbers :5, 6
  • Gemstone :Pana
  • God :Sri Vishnu
  • Goddess :Tripura Sundari
  • Rudraksha :Four-faced
  • Inauspicious Day :Saturday
  • Ghatachandra :Gemini
  • Ghatatithi :Panchami, Dasamim Purnami, Amabasya
  • Ghata Naxatra :Srabana
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