Leo Weekly Horoscope for Dec 25 to 31: This is a week to expect recognition, opportunities for advancement

This is a week to expect recognition, opportunities for advancement, and the confidence to tackle any professional challenge. Channel your boundless energy into showcasing your talents; don't be afraid to take calculated risks.

Your leadership skills are in high demand, so step up and guide the way.Collaborate with like-minded individuals, bounce ideas off your network, and celebrate success with your tribe.

These connections will fuel your professional journey and bring a sense of belonging and shared purpose.Keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities mid-week.

A chance encounter with a mentor or a stroke of inspiration could push your career trajectory in a thrilling direction.



  • Remedy :Channel your boundless energy
  • Auspicious Day :Sunday, Monday & Thursday
  • Auspicious color :White & Orange
  • Lucky Numbers :1, 3 & 9
  • Gemstone :Ruby
  • God :Suryadev, Lord Vishnu
  • Goddess :Banadurga
  • Rudraksha :Saptamukhi, Dwadashmukhi
  • Inauspicious Day :Saturday
  • Ghatachandra :Capricorn
  • Ghatatithi :Trutiya, Ashtami, Trayodashi
  • Ghata Naxatra :Mula
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