Gemini Weekly Horoscope from 3rd to 9th: You'll feel a strong urge to break free from your routines

This week, you'll feel a strong urge to break free from your routines and explore the world. You will be infused with a passionate spirit and an insatiable curiosity, urging you to seek new experiences and broaden your understanding of different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems.

This is an excellent time for travel and educational pursuits. If you'velonged to embark on a journey or enrol in a course, seize the opportunity now. At a personal level, you'll also notice an increased desire for individual freedom and independence.

You may feel a strong urge to break free from any restrictions or limitations holding you back.If you're in a relationship, this can be a time of exploration and learning together.




  • Remedy :Expand your horizons
  • Auspicious Day :Sunday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Auspicious color :Green, White
  • Lucky Numbers :5
  • Gemstone :Pana
  • God :Vishnu
  • Goddess :Tripura Sundari
  • Rudraksha :Seven-faced
  • Inauspicious Day :Monday
  • Ghatachandra :Aquarius
  • Ghatatithi :Dwitiya, Saptami, Dwadashi
  • Ghata Naxatra :Swati

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