Gemini Weekly Horoscope for Jan 8 to 14, 2024: Brace yourself for a week brimming with potential for abundance

Brace yourself for a week brimming with potential for abundance, self-reflection, and positive change. This week, your focus shifts towards building stability and financial security. Negotiations will flow smoothly, and opportunities for increased income or a prestigious raise may arise.

Be assertive when presenting your ideas, and don't refrain from demanding your worth. Pay attention to recurring patterns and budget smartly. Unexpected financial gains are possible but avoid impulsive spending.

Singles may encounter captivating connections while existing partnerships deepen with heartfelt communication and shared pursuits.

Focus on strengthening bonds and expressing your appreciation for loved ones.



  • Remedy : Demand your worth
  • Auspicious Day :Sunday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Auspicious color :Green, White
  • Lucky Numbers :5
  • Gemstone :Pana
  • God :Vishnu
  • Goddess :Tripura Sundari
  • Rudraksha :Seven-faced
  • Inauspicious Day :Monday
  • Ghatachandra :Aquarius
  • Ghatatithi :Dwitiya, Saptami, Dwadashi
  • Ghata Naxatra :Swati
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