Capricorn Weekly Horoscope from Sep 25 to Oct 1, 2023: This week good for discovery romantic journey

This week advises you to combine your practicality with your sense of adventure. Explore new horizons in your career and finances, but do so with a well-thought-out plan. Trust your intuition, and don't shy away from calculated risks. Embrace the richness of life's experiences, and remember that learning and growth come from stepping outside your comfort zone. Keep a close eye on your financial goals, and make sure your resources work for your long-term security. In matters of the heart, be open to the unexpected, and let the thrill of discovery guide your romantic journey. A positive mindset will fuel your success in all areas of life.

  • Remedy :Combine flexibility with adventure
  • Auspicious Day :Friday, Saturday
  • Auspicious color :Blue and Black
  • Lucky Numbers :6
  • Gemstone :Nilam
  • God :Lord Shiv
  • Goddess :Maa Dakhinakali
  • Rudraksha :13-faced Mukhi
  • Inauspicious Day :Tuesday
  • Ghatachandra :Leo
  • Ghatatithi :Chaturthi, Navami and Dwadasi
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