Capricorn Weekly Horoscope from 24th to 30th April: The energy is favorable this week for making progress and taking calculated risks

The energy is favorable this week for making progress and taking calculated risks. You may feel a strong urge to get organized and create a plan of action to achieve your long-term ambitions.

In your professional life, you may encounter new opportunities for advancement or recognition. Your hard work and dedication could be rewarded, and you may be called upon to take on additional responsibilities.

Stay focused, set clear goals, and prioritize your tasks to make the most of this favorable time.Don't neglect your loved ones while chasing your ambitions. It's essential to maintain healthy relationships and prioritize self-care.

  • Remedy :Take calculated risks
  • Auspicious Day :Friday, Saturday
  • Auspicious color :Blue and Black
  • Lucky Numbers :6
  • Gemstone :Nilam
  • God :Lord Shiv
  • Goddess :Maa Dakhinakali
  • Rudraksha :13-faced Mukhi
  • Inauspicious Day :Tuesday
  • Ghatachandra :Leo
  • Ghatatithi :Chaturthi, Navami and Dwadasi

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