Weekly Horoscope for Cancer from Feb 12 to 18, 2024: This week, you will find that how you relate to others

This week, you will find that how you relate to others, including your colleagues and superiors, becomes pleasant and even cooperative.

This is an excellent opportunity to join hands-on projects, exchange views and create meaningful professional bonds. Your inventiveness and accuracy will attract the attention of others who might reward or recognise you.

If you are in a serious relationship, use this period to deepen the connection through service and reciprocity.

Singles can find love unexpectedly in the work environment or even while doing daily chores. Be open to the possibilities that might come in handy.



  • Remedy :Create professional bonds
  • Auspicious Day :Sunday and Monday
  • Auspicious color :White & Red
  • Lucky Numbers :2, 7 & 9
  • Gemstone :Pearl
  • God :Lord Krishna
  • Goddess :Bhubaneswari
  • Rudraksha :Ekamukhi
  • Inauspicious Day :Wednesday
  • Ghatachandra :Leo
  • Ghatatithi :Dwitiya, Saptami and Nabami
  • Ghata Naxatra :Anuradha
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