Cancer Tarot Predictions for 2023: Marriage likely, new job on cards

Love and Relationships

Those looking for partners will be swept off their feet to find an attractive romantic partner. Follow your heart. Marriage possible by last quarter of the year. Balance and harmony in other relationships as well. Be the beacon of light for people in your life as it will bring lot of love and respect for you this year.

Career and Finance

New job or new career opportunities might come in the starting months of the year Shifting or other city or country for work been seen. But don’t be in hurry, let the energetic alignment come in few month. Some woman of great power and status might help you for progress in career. Successful year for you career wise. Thinking outside the box in financial matters to come out of any financial struggles will bring upswing in money whole year around.

Health and Spirituality

If sick for long time expect good reports mad results this year. Pay attention to signs and synchronicity all around you. Spirit world is indicating goods signs for your path ahead. Use your discernment and natural gifts.


Mrs. Bina Sheth

Mrs. Bina Sheth