Aries Weekly Horoscope for Dec 18 to 24: This week, Aries, the cosmos encourages you to broaden your horizons

This week, Aries, the cosmos encourages you to broaden your horizons. It's time to explore new perspectives, ideas, and experiences. Embrace a spirit of adventure and open-mindedness.

Engage in activities that stimulate your intellect and fuel your curiosity. In the realm of career, look beyond the routine. Seek opportunities that allow you to apply your skills in innovative ways.

If there's a chance to take on a project that involves international connections, it's a favourable time to do so.If you're single, consider expanding your social circle to include people from different backgrounds.

For those in relationships, explore shared interests and activities that stimulate both partners intellectually.



  • Remedy :Broaden your horizons
  • Auspicious Day :Tuesday & Thursday
  • Auspicious color :Red
  • Lucky Numbers :1, 3 & 9
  • Gemstone :Coral
  • God :Suryadev, Lord Nurshingha
  • Goddess :Goddess Bagalamukhi
  • Rudraksha :Wear Panchamukhi rudraksha
  • Inauspicious Day :Sunday
  • Ghatachandra :Shree Chandra
  • Ghatatithi :Pratipada, Sasthi, Ekadashi
  • Ghata Naxatra :Magha
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