Weekly Horoscope for Aries from April 1 to 7, 2024: This week, the universe is inviting you to meditate on what you value

This week, the universe is inviting you to meditate on what you value, what you deserve, and what you own. It is essential to be aware of the same trap of material success and not fall into the trap of overindulgence.

Be consistent with your approach, and remember that real contentment is derived from finding a balance between professional goals and your core values and interests.

Be aware of the importance of your relationship in matters of the heart.

This is a perfect opportunity to solidify the foundation of loyalty, safety, and mutual respect if you are in a committed relationship.

The real wealth is about your inner connections, spirituality and peace


  • Remedy :Avoid overindulgence
  • Auspicious Day :Tuesday & Thursday
  • Auspicious color :Red
  • Lucky Numbers :1, 3 & 9
  • Gemstone :Coral
  • God :Suryadev, Lord Nurshingha
  • Goddess :Goddess Bagalamukhi
  • Rudraksha :Wear Panchamukhi rudraksha
  • Inauspicious Day :Sunday
  • Ghatachandra :Shree Chandra
  • Ghatatithi :Pratipada, Sasthi, Ekadashi
  • Ghata Naxatra :Magha
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