Aquarius Weekly Horoscope from Sep 25 to Oct 1, 2023: You may Seek professional advice

This is an ideal time for deep self-reflection. Welcome personal transformation and be open to new possibilities. Be cautious with financial decisions, especially those involving shared resources or investments. Seek professional advice if necessary, and don't rush into major financial commitments. In your relationships, allow yourself to be vulnerable and embrace emotional intimacy. Share your thoughts and feelings openly with your loved ones, and don't be afraid to explore deeper connections. Remember that your well-being should always be a top priority. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to cope with any stress that may arise.

  • Remedy :Be open to new possibilities
  • Auspicious Day :Friday, Saturday
  • Auspicious color :Black, Blue
  • Lucky Numbers :3, 7
  • Gemstone :Blue Sapphire
  • God :Lord Ganesh
  • Goddess :Kali
  • Rudraksha :4 faced
  • Inauspicious Day :Thursday
  • Ghatachandra :Sagittarius
  • Ghatatithi :3rd, 8th, 13th
  • Ghata Naxatra :Adra
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