Aquarius Weekly Horoscope for Dec 25 to 31: Share your thoughts openly

Your innovative ideas take centre stage this week, making it an excellent time to embark on creative projects or engage in activities that bring joy. Share your thoughts openly, and don't shy away from expressing your unique perspective.

Social interactions and romantic endeavours are highlighted, fostering a sense of playfulness and connection.Midweek, the focus turns towards practical matters and personal well-being.

Channel your inventive energy into optimising daily routines and work processes. This is an opportune time to tackle tasks that require attention to detail and efficiency.

Consider incorporating wellness activities into your weekend routine.



  • Remedy :Share your thoughts openly
  • Auspicious Day :Friday, Saturday
  • Auspicious color :Black, Blue
  • Lucky Numbers :3, 7
  • Gemstone :Blue Sapphire
  • God :Lord Ganesh
  • Goddess :Kali
  • Rudraksha :4 faced
  • Inauspicious Day :Thursday
  • Ghatachandra :Sagittarius
  • Ghatatithi :3rd, 8th, 13th
  • Ghata Naxatra :Adra
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