Weekly Horoscope for Nov 28- Dec 4: Taurus to maintain bravery, financial turbulence for Gemini

Here is a guide to the week ahead for you. This is your forecast for November 28-December 4.



Sunday 27 Nov 2022

You could lack confidence this week when making decisions. It is encouraged that you put your belief in yourself and do all of your obligations carefully. Your self-esteem will gradually rise as a result, inspiring you to put in more effort. In a similar vein, you can have financial insecurity. Don't allow these ideas disrupt how you go about your normal business. With your friends and family, you can have some ego clashes. Your spouse will continue to be encouraging. You will attempt to console your elders and be helpful and compassionate to them. To increase your physical power, you are urged to stick to a training schedule.

Tip of the week: Believe in yourself