Boost your winter immunity with these 5 yoga asanas

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Prepare your body for the winter months by strengthening your immune system. Combat diseases and maintain overall wellness by incorporating these five powerful yoga asanas into your routine.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Trikonasana: This asana not only provides a full body stretch, but also promotes circulation and reduces stress. Its benefits don't stop there - this asana improves digestion and respiratory function, making it an ideal defense against colds and the flu.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Virabhadrasana: It strengthens muscles, improves balance, and boosts the immune system. Its powerful effects make it the perfect ally for adapting to the winter season

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Bhujangasana: This asana opens up the chest, lungs, and heart area, promoting optimal respiratory health. Not only that, but it also boosts blood circulation, which is crucial for a strong immune system.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Ustrasana: Known for its ability to enhance lung function and alleviate stress, Ustrasana also activates the thymus gland to produce vital T-cells, essential for a strong immune system.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit:

Matsyasana: It opens up the chest and throat, improving overall lung capacity and increasing the flow of oxygen. This rejuvenating pose also activates the thyroid gland, a vital component in stimulating the immune system.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

If you are new to yoga or have any underlying health considerations, it is wise to seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional prior to beginning a fresh routine.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva