Odishatv Bureau

Photo-sharing Instagram platform offers to message and send videos and photos in a chat with other people through direct DMs. There are many times when you get annoying messages or inappropriate messages. You can report or flag such messages or users or conversations. Here’s how you can do it.

How to report an Instagram message

  1. Open your Instagram application on your mobile
  2. Now go to the message section and open your chat you want to report a message from
  3. Tap and hold the message you want to report, now you can see a pop-up menu
  4. Select the more option
  5. Click the report button
  6. Now, select a reason for reporting the message
  7. Now follow the instructions ahead and then tap on submit report button

How to report an Instagram’s entire conversation 
Instagram gives you the option to report the entire chat that you think is inappropriate or offensive to another person. This is not applicable to group chat. Here's how you can do it 

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile
  2. Go to the messages section
  3. Tap and hold the conversation or entire chat you want to report
  4. Tap on the name of the recipient, at the top of your chat screen
  5. Now you can see the details of the recipient, scroll down the screen and click on the report button
  6. You can select the reason for reporting and click on the submit report button

After you submit the report, Instagram will review up to 30 messages in the conversation. Unless you are reporting intellectual property, your report is unidentified. The account you reported won't know who reported them.
